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209 resources
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    28 Too Many

    This is a comprehensive resource library including books, films and training packs to improve understanding of the issues relating to FGM.

    360 Degree Safe

    This is a free award-winning online safety self-review tool for schools to develop their online safety policies and practice.

    Action for Children

    A national charity supporting disadvantaged children of all ages (including those with disabilities and fostered or adopted), families and professionals.

    Addaction is one of the UK's leading mental health, drug and alcohol charities. They work with adults and young people, supporting them to make lasting change in their lives.
    Adfam is an organisation providing support for families affected by drugs and alcohol as well as support and resources for frontline workers.
    Adverse Childhood Experiences

    This video for professionals and parents/carers explains about ACEs, traumatic events that affect children while growing up which can have negative lasting effects on health and development. 

    Ariel Trust

    An Educational Charity set up to improve life chances by supporting the development of resilient young people, and working with them to tackle important issues in their lives.

    Ask UK

    This is a health information app for young people in the UK, encouraging safer sex and signposting to advice and services.


    Barnardo's protect and support vulnerable children and young people, offering practical and emotional support so they can enter adulthood with confidence.

    Barnardo's Real Love Rocks

    Real Love Rocks is a Barnardo's resource for teachers to use with primary or secondary school children to support them in respect of child sexual exploitation.

    Be Internet Legends
    Be Internet Legends is a free curriculum pack of work for Key Stage 2 pupils aimed at promoting internet safety. They also run an interactive assembly roadshow around the country.
    Beacon Counselling Trust

    This Liverpool-based counselling charity employs fully qualified counsellors specialising in trauma, sexuality, OCD, anxiety, depression, alcoholism, addiction and anger management.

    Big Deal
    This website is specifically targeted at young people and gives them a variety of advice and support related to gambling via videos and quizzes.
    Big Talk Education

    This is a social enterprise who work with pupils, parents and professionals to deliver high quality relationship and sex education.

    Boing Boing
    The Academic Resilience Approach provides free practical resources to develop resilience in children, young people, families and adults exposed to social disadvantage and inequalities.

    Brake is a road safety charity which provides resources and training for professionals and a support helpline for victims.

    Bully Busters

    BullyBusters can help and support children, young people, parents or professionals who are having difficulties dealing with bullying.


    CAMHS promotes the mental health and emotional wellbeing of all children, young people and their families/carers. Find your local service here.

    Can I be your Friend

    This short film explores the dangers of living our lives online. It can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way to encourage discussion.

    Can You See Me?

    The 'Can You See Me?' project is an easy-to-use resource aimed at young people aged 15 and 16 that can be used in schools to explore the issue of domestic abuse in teenage relationships.

    Carers Trust

    Carers Trust is a national charity for, with and about carers. They work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, including young carers.

    Catch 22

    Catch 22 works at every stage of the social welfare cycle to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities, support those missing from home and/or sexually exploited.

    CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command

    CEOP is part of the National Crime Agency, which is there to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. Anyone can report to CEOP inappropriate online behaviours.

    CEOP You Tube Channel

    The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP for short) is a UK police agency and they produce a a number of short films for parents/carers offering advice on how to keep their children safe from a number of different risks. Videos can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way.

    Chasing the Stigma

    A mental health charity which aims to normalise and humanise mental illness. They offer real life stories, articles, events and training to become ambassadors. It also provides a hubb of mental health organisations and charities.


    Childline is a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. Whatever your worry, whenever you need help, Childline is here for you online, on the phone, anytime.

    Childline Toolbox

    This part of the Childline website and has games, advice and guidance for children and young people on all sorts of things from bullying through to exam stress. It includes onlines tools for children and young people.

    Childnet International

    Childnet's mission is to make the internet a great and safe place. This website has top tips, games and safety information for both primary and secondary pupils, professionals and parents. It has a primary and secondary zone for young people.

    Community Care

    An article on fabricated or induced illness (FII) for professionals.

    Connect Futures

    This website provides information and training opportunities to increase understanding about the law, the path into and out of violent extremism, and the practical actions to help prevent and identify vulnerability.

    Consent is Everything

    Thames Valley Police have produced this campaign and fun video to explain exactly what consent means and to spread the message that sex without consent is rape. The video can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way to promote discussion and understanding.

    Coram Children's Legal Centre

    Coram Children's Legal Centre provides free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, carers and professionals, as well as international consultancy on child law and children's rights.


    CoramBAAF is an independent membership organisation for professionals, foster carers and adopters, and anyone else working with or looking after children in or from care, or adults who have been affected by adoption.

    Crime Stoppers

    Crime Stoppers is an independent charity which enables people to report crime anonymously. It also gives practical advice on how to keep property safe, as well as personal safety tips.

    Cruse Bereavement Care
    Cruse offers support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies. It also offers training to professionals so they can support staff and children.
    DfE guidance re FGM

    The DfE website housing its guidance and training regarding FGM including advice on preventative measures. The Home Office's FGM unit offers outreach support to local areas to tackle FGM.

    DfE Online Prevent Training

    DfE Prevent e-learning training addresses terrorism and non-violent extremism, including far right wing and islamist extremism. It aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised.

    DfE safeguarding questions for parents and carers

    The DfE has produced guidance to help parents and carers who choose to have their children attend out-of-school settings.

    Digi Ducks Big Decision

    Internet Matters and Childnet have transformed the story of Digi Duck into a fun, interactive app that parents can enjoy with their children aged 3-7. The app follows Digiduck and his pals in a story of friendship and responsibility online.

    Disrespect Nobody

    This website from the Home Office has advice and support about relationship abuse. Topics such as sexting, porn, rape, consent and harassment are presented via fun videos. 

    Disrespect Nobody Teaching Resources

    The PSHE Association teaching resources to support the Home Office Disrespect NoBody campaign.

    Ditch the Label

    This international charity provides advice and support for young people on the subject of bullying and prejudice.

    Dot Com Children's Foundation

    This learning programme teaches children to recognise risks and helps them to make good decisions in life about their own safety.

    Drug Fam

    This website provides support to families, friends and carers who are struggling to cope with a loved one's addiction to drugs or alcohol, including related bereavement support.


    This website contains advice and practical information on cyber bullying, trolling, mobbing and all forms of online crime for adults and children alike.

    Educate Against Hate

    This website provides guidance, training, information and practical advice to parents and teachers to protect young people from extremism and radicalisation.

    Education Support Partnership

    This is the UK's only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all education staff and organisations. It includes a stress test, helpline, information and advice.

    Every Child Protected Against Trafficking

    This is a children's rights organisation which provides resources and training to recognise and support trafficked children.

    Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

    This is a national voluntary organisation and charity dedicated to supporting parents and their lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans sons and daughters.

    Family Lives

    This website provides a confidential helpline, parenting advice videos, parent forum and online parenting courses to help and support families.


    This website provides non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality, for example county lines (criminal exploitation). It also allows children and young people to report crime anonymously and has a section for professionals.

    Fink Cards
    These are specially developed thought-provoking question cards which have been designed to enable better conversations across generations for individuals, families and communities. Use them to start conversations at home, at school or in the work place.
    First 2 a Million

    This interactive video from 'Thinkuknow' is aimed at young people aged 11-14 and explores the consequences of risk-taking behaviour and online activity. It features some scenes which may be unsuitable for younger children and can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way.

    Forced Marriage

    This website provides practical information and sources of advice and help on forced marriage. It includes stories of survivors of forced marriage as well as advice and help for those at risk or those worried about someone else.


    Forward provides educational resources, training and advice for staff around FGM, child marriage and obstetric fistula. They aim to safeguard the rights of African girls and women.


    This is a sexual health charity providing help for young people, parents/carers and professionals regarding relationships and sex education including contraception, STIs and pregnancy.


    This website and phoneline provides information, help and advice on drugs, including a drugs A-Z.


    This is an LGBT+ and anti-violence charity for young people who have experienced hate crime, sexual violence or domestic abuse, or who have questions about the criminal justice system.

    Gam Care

    GamCare is the leading national provider of information, advice, support and free treatment for anyone affected by problem gambling.

    Get Safe Online

    This website provides expert advice for parents to keep their children and themselves safe online, including social networking, shopping, banking and fraud.


    This website provides support for trans and gender non-conforming people of all ages, including those who are non-binary and non-gender. It has also created an e-learning course.


    This website provides support and advice for people who self-harm as well as their family and friends. They also provide resources for professionals.

    Home Office Training on FGM

    The Home Office provides free training on recognising and preventing FGM.

    Hope Again

    This website offers advice for young people dealing with bereavement. It includes videos and helps parents/carers understand the grief journey of their children. It is the young people's arm of Cruse Bereavement Care.

    Integrate UK

    Integrate UK provides advice, training and educational resources around the topics of FGM, radicalisation, extremism, child sexual exploitation, gang and drug culture.

    Internet Matters

    Internet Matters is a not-for-profit organisation that has a simple purpose - to empower parents and carers to keep children safe in the digital world. The website provides the best advice and information available on tackling online safety issues. It includes advice on setting controls.

    Involve Northwest

    This website provides confidential advice and guidance for victims of domestic abuse. Their Leapfrog Scheme is a programme for children aged 5-10.

    Is it Love?

    This film for older teenagers deals with the themes of domestic abuse and violence. It should only be shown as part of a structured programme where young people are sensitively supported.

    Islington Femal Genital Mutilation Risk Assessment Tool (PDF)

    This tool is to help professionals working in health services, hospitals, schools, education, police and children's services to identify and assess the risks of FGM and relevant indicators.

    ITV News

    This video clip explains how drug gangs are exploiting large numbers of children and pushing them onto the frontline of the UK's class A drugs trade. The video can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way.

    Jan Trust

    This national charity aims to empower women and young people from some of the most marginalised communities.

    Junior Citizen

    Junior Citizen teaches children and young people to keep safe in a variety of situations including road safety, electrical safety, dog awareness, fire safety, rail safety, coastal safety etc

    Karma Nirvana

    This national charity supports victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage as well as providing education and training for professionals. It also provides a helpline.

    Kayleigh's Love Story

    This video from Leicestershire Police tells the true story of Kayleigh Haywood who was murdered in 2015. It highlights the dangers of grooming and child sexual exploitation. Rated 15. It should only be shown as part of a structured programme where young people are sensitively supported.


    Kidscape provides a range of anti-bullying, e-safety and safeguarding sessions and advice for young people, parents and professionals.

    Knife Free

    This website from the Home Office explains the legal, emotional and personal consequences of carrying a knife. It provides real stories, help and support.

    Know and See

    This website for young people helps them spot the warning signs of child sexual exploitation and provides real stories to illustrate.

    Know Your Friends

    This animation is for children and young people with mild-moderate special educational needs and teaches them how to protect themselves online.

    Listen to my Story

    Four young people share their stories to enable young people to recognise if they are being exploited in their friendship or relationship and to identify the signs of exploitation.

    Losing Control

    This film about sexual exploitation for older teenagers tells the story of Jay who groomed and sexually exploited his girlfriend. It should only be shown as part of a structured programme where young people are sensitively supported.

    Love Don't Feel Bad

    This website gives young people information and advice about coercive and controlling relationships.

    Matt Thought he Knew

    This film follows a teenage boy who begins a relationship with a girl he has met online but he discovers she isn't who he thought. This video can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way.

    Men's Advice Line

    Men's Advice Line provides advice and support for male victims of domestic abuse and violence, providing emotional support and practical advice and signposting other services.

    Mermaids UK

    This website provides advice to families and professionals who support children who may feel at odds with their birth gender.

    Merseyside Domestic Violence Services

    MDVS is a voluntary organisation working with women, children, young people and families whose lives have been affected by domestic abuse and honour-based crime.

    Mind Ed

    This is a free educational resource about children and young people's mental health. They offer information and advice from experts for parents/carers, professionals and volunteers.


    Mosac supports non-abusing parents and carers of sexually abused children. They also offer specialised training courses to professionals.

    My Dangerous Loverboy

    This campaign incorporates a short film and Love or Lies education resource to raise awareness of the sexual exploitation and trafficking of young people. It should only be shown as part of a structured programme where young people are sensitively supported.

    My Happy Mind

    These resources for primary schools help pupils to look after their own mental wellbeing and teach them how to cope.

    National Bullying Helpline

    This website has advice and support for anyone suffering bullying and harassment.

    National Youth Advocacy Service

    This website and helpline provides help, information, advice and support for young people in care and those with in need.

    Network Rail

    Network Rail provides educational resources for primary and secondary pupils about electrification on the railway, level crossings and railway safety.

    NHS England

    NHS England have produced a film about the issue of child sexual exploitation and the role of nurses and care-givers in safeguarding young people at risk.

    The National Information Centre on Children of Offenders lists services and resources to support professionals to work with children and families of offenders.
    nidirect government services

    This government website for Northern Ireland provides road safety advice for pedestrians, car passengers and cyclists.

    NPSCC Net Aware

    This campaign tool from NSPCC features an A-Z listing which informs parents and school staff about the range of social media apps available to children and young people. It contains a number of resources, including videos for children, to help professionals and parents help young people stay safe online.

    NSPCC - Guidance - Protecting children from trafficking and modern slavery

    The NSPCC's Child Trafficking Advice Centre has produced a leaflet, translated into 12 languages, to help children who have come to the UK from another country.

    NSPCC A Parent's Guide to Being Share Aware

    This easy to read resource produced by the NSPCC provides parent and carers with guidance to keep their children safe online and what to do if they have seen or shared inappropriate content.

    NSPCC guidance regarding gangs

    This NSPCC video provides guidance to parents regarding children and young people in gangs. 

    NSPCC Online Porn

    Advice from the NSPCC on how to talk to your child about the risks of online porn and sexually explicit material.

    NSPCC Pantosuarus

    A video from the NSPCC giving children safe messages using the PANTS rule. It should only be shown as part of a structured programme where young people are sensitively supported.

    NSPCC Share Aware

    The NSPCC have created a resource to help parents talk to their children about staying safe online. This website and videos help primary aged children to learn about the dangers of sending images of themselves online. Parents can also get help from an O2 Guru, in store,  about parental controls. There is also an online safety helpline.

    NSPCC Underwear Rule: PANTS

    This NSPCC video supports primary aged children to keep themselves safe from inappropriate sexualised touching.

    Ofsted review of knife crime

    Report summarising the findings from an Ofsted research project and recommendations on knife crime in education.

    Operation Encompass

    Operation Encompass directly connects the police with schools to support children who have suffered or witnessed incidents of police-attended domestic abuse.

    Our Internet, Our Choice Report

    Findings of a report by the UK Safer Internet Centre about how to ask, give and receive consent online.

    Out of your Hands

    This website has tips and advice for 7-16 year olds to protect them from becoming victims of phone crime and fraud.

    Own It

    This website from CBBC provides information and fun activities for children aged 9-12 to teach them how to stay safe online.

    PACE - Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation

    PACE works alongside parents/carers of children who are - or are at risk of - being sexually exploited by perpetrators. They offer guidance and training for professionals.


    Papyrus is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide in the UK. They provide confidential help and advice to young people and those worried about a young person.

    Parent Channel TV

    Parent Channel TV offers hints and tips on parenting via videos on diverse themes such as teenage drinking, toddler tantrums, school refusers and gay and lesbian parents.

    Parent Info

    This website provides expert information for parents to help their children with issues such as self-harm, online safety, body confidence, sexuality, addiction and mental health.

    Parent Port

    Parent Port is run by the UK's media regulators and sets and enforces standards across the media to protect children from inappropriate material. They also handle complaints.

    Parent Zone
    This website provides articles and guides to inform and advise parents about internet safety as well as providing free resources and training for schools.
    Parents Protect
    Parents Protect is run by child protection charity The Lucy Faithfull Foundation and provides information, advice and support to help protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse.
    Place 2 Be

    This is a children's mental health charity which provides school-based support and counselling to improve the emotional well-being of pupils plus in-depth training programmes.

    Plan UK

    Plan UK provides a range of information and resources about child marriage, FGM, violence, modern slavery, the exploitation of adolescent girls, sexual and reproductive health.

    Play Like Share

    Three animated episodes for 8-10 year olds to help them learn how to spot manipulative behaviour online and to stay safe from other risks online.

    Prevent for Further Education and Training

    'Prevent for Further Education and Training: Complying with the Prevent Duty' provides information and resources for practitioners.

    Prevent for Schools

    This website provides a variety of practical materials, resources, advice and guidance to support schools with educating and safeguarding pupils against radicalisation and extremism.

    PSHE Association

    This website provides resources for teaching about a range of issues including FGM, radicalisation, extremism, child sexual exploitation, gang and drug culture in schools.

    PSHE Association knife free lesson plans

    Lesson plans for KS3&4 based on the Home Office #knifefree campaign to challenge the myths and communicate the realities of carrying a knife.

    Rape and Sexual Abuse
    RASA offers support to anyone who has been sexually abused or raped, or who has been affected by sexual violence at any time in their lives.
    Refuge runs a free helpline to help those affected by domestic abuse. They provide emergency temporary accommodation and provide one-to-one emotional and practical support.

    Relate provides relationship support and advice via videos, quizzes, real life stories and live chat. They provide counselling and therapy for all ages.

    Respect Phoneline

    This website includes a confidential helpline offering advice, information and support to help individuals stop being violent and abusive to their partner.

    Right to Choose

    The DFE have produced a range of resources that aim to help everyone spot the signs of forced marriage and know where to seek support. The resources include videos that can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way.

    Rise Above

    This website for young people gives them tips and advice on all kinds of youth issues such as alcohol, drugs, body image, relationships and stress via videos, quizzes and games.

    Road Safety GB

    Road Safety GB provides support and advice as well as educational resources and a child road safety campaign.

    Run Hide Tell Resource Pack

    The Run, Hide, Tell resource pack has been produced by the National Counter Terrorism Security Office to inform 11-16 year olds how best to react to a gun or knife terror attack.


    The Runaway website includes advice via true stories and also a helpline providing confidential support for young people in conflict at home.


    This is a website for young adults seeking advice on matters such as honour-based violence, knife and gun crime, gangs, extremism, terrorism and hate crimes.

    Safe Lives
    Safe Lives provides advice, support and resources for frontline workers and professionals working with domestic abuse victims.
    Safe Place Sexual Assault Referral Centre

    This sexual assault referral centre has a team of highly trained professionals to offer confidential advice, emergency treatment, contraception and referrals to counsellors.

    Safety 4 Kids

    Safety 4 Kids provides tips for children on road safety, stranger danger, bullying, pool safety, and internet safety via fun activities and games.

    Safety Central

    Three learning programmes teach students to stay safe: SafetyStars for Key Stage 1, SafetyQuest adventure for Key Stage 2, Lesson4Life helps prepare Key Stage 3 for young adulthood.

    Savera UK
    Savera works with black minority ethnic communities to challenge attitudes towards domestic abuse and harmful practices such as forced marriage, honour-based abuse and FGM.
    Say Something

    This national campaign by the National Working Group offers a free, anonymous helpline for young people to disclose information and seek support around sexual exploitation. There are also quizzes and resources.

    Say Something if you See Something

    The NWG campaign Say Something if you See Something aims to increase awareness of child sexual exploitation by using free posters and logo packs.

    Selfharm UK
    This website provides support and advice for people who self-harm as well as their family and friends. They also provide resources for professionals.
    Sex Education Forum
    This website provides advice, guidance and resources to support professionals to plan, deliver and evaluate high quality RSE. They also provide training packages and CPD.
    South West Grid for Learning

    SWGfL provides support for victims of internet crime, including hacking and stolen images. The service provides advice on where and how to access legal support and remove content.

    Star SEN Toolkit

    Produced by Childnet, the Star SEN Toolkit offers practical advice and teaching activities to help educators explore online safety with young people who have special educational needs in Key Stage 2 and 3.


    Stonewall provides resources and practical tips for ensuring LGBT are delivered within the curriculum as well as information and advice about discrimination, hate crime and criminal law.

    Stop Bullying

    This is a website for parents, school staff and other adults in the community to identify bullying, build a safe school environment and create a community-wide prevention strategy.

    Stop it Now!

    Stop it Now! is a project of the child protection charity, The Lucy Faithfull Foundation. This website and helpline provide advice and support for those worried about their own online behaviour or somebody else's. They also provide guidance for professionals.

    This website provides a one-stop listening service and support for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through Instant Messaging.
    The Alcohol Education Trust

    Free resources, games and activities for teachers, youth professionals and parents to help young people stay safe around alcohol.

    The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

    The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a children's mental health charity with over 60 years' experience of caring for young minds. They provide support and information for families and professionals, including key resources.

    The Anthony Walker Foundation

    This foundation aims to promote racial harmony. It operates locally, regionally and nationally but the priority focus is Merseyside. There is a support line for reporting hate crime.

    The Anti-Bullying Alliance

    This website provides advice for parents, including an interactive anti-bullying tool. It also offers All Together, a whole-school anti-bullying programme.

    The Association for Young People's Health

    This is a peer support website tackling issues such as health, wellbeing and the barriers faced by young people affected by sexual exploitation. Resources include video and booklets.

    The Bobby Colleran Trust

    This trust works with schools and the local community to improve road safety. The charity aims to have a 20mph 'Bobby Zone' outside every school in the country.

    The Breck Foundation

    Breck Foundation speakers travel the UK educating professionals, parents and pupils to ensure that young people stay safe online. The video Breck's Last Game is available to schools but if selected the video should only be shown as part of a structured programme where young people are sensitively supported.

    The Brook Advisory Service

    The Brook Advisory Service provides sexual health and well being advice and support for under 25s and professionals.

    The Brook Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool

    The Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool supports professionals working with children and young people by helping them to identify and respond appropriately to sexual behaviours.

    The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust

    This trust provides mental health training, talks and workshops for schools and families. They also publish free resources for parents and professionals.

    The Child Accident Prevention Trust

    This charity provides safety advice to parents, carers and professionals to help prevent accidents including drowning, choking, suffocating, fires, falls, burns, poisoning and electric shocks etc.

    The Child Protection in Sport Unit

    The Unit provides parents, coaches and safeguarding professionals with information and advice about ensuring children's safe participation in sport.

    The Children's Commissioner

    The Children's Commissioner for England promotes and protects the rights of children, especially the most vulnerable, and stands up for their views and interests.

    The Children's Society

    This charity supports children and young people to cope with exploitation, poverty and substance misuse. It also helps young carers, refugees and those with mental health problems.

    The Department for Education

    The Department for Education has produced a short video to encourage people to report children at risk of abuse and neglect.

    The Domestic Violence Resource Centre

    This website has information for children and young people aged 10-17 who are suffering domestic abuse and also adults supporting them.

    The Forced Marriage Unit

    The FMU provides a helpline for those trying to prevent or escape forced marriage. It includes resources for staff and videos for young people and families. The videos can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way. It also provides statutory guidance to support professionals understanding.

    The Gender Trust

    This website helps adults throughout the United Kingdom who are transsexual, gender dysphoric, transgender or those whose lives are affected by gender identity issues.

    The Hideout

    This website from Women's Aid helps children and young people understand domestic abuse and what to do if it's happening to them.

    The Hub of Hope

    This is a national mental health database which brings together organisations and charites who offer mental health advice and support together in one place.

    The Internet Watch Foundation

    This foundation aims to eliminate child sexual abuse imagery online. People can anonymously and confidentially report child sexual abuse content and images.

    The Iranian/Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation

    This organisation provides advice and support for victims of honour-based violence, forced marriage, FGM, domestic abuse and sharia law, as well as supporting professionals.

    The LGBT Foundation

    This is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities.

    The London Grid for Learning

    This website contains a host of award-winning educational resources to help teachers and learners improve effectiveness, innovate and save preparation time.

    The London Safeguarding Children Board

    The London Safeguarding Children Board commissioned this short film for professionals on child abuse linked to faith, belief and culture. 

    The Lucy Faithfull Foundation

    This child protection charity is dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse. They work with victims and their families as well as abusers. They also train the education sector.

    The Microsoft Digital Civility Challenge

    Microsoft have introduced the Digital Civility Challenge whereby pupils make a pledge to do their bit to make the internet better and safer.

    The Mix

    This website gives young people under the age of 25 information and support on a range of issues such as drugs, crime, relationships and housing.

    The Muslim Community Helpline

    This website and helpline provides advice and support for women, men, children and young people.

    The Muslim Youth Helpline

    The Muslim Youth Helpline offers free confidential and anonymous faith and culturally sensitive support to meet the specific needs of young Muslims.

    The National Association for Children of Alcoholics

    This website and helpline provides information, advice and support for everyone affected by a family member's drinking.

    The National FGM Centre

    This centre provides training and resources for professionals on FGM and other harmful practices plus services for families and young people. It provides a very useful guidance document for schools.

    The NSPCC

    The NSPCC provides services, training and resources to protect children and prevent all kinds of abuse including neglect, FGM, bullying, child trafficking, physical, sexual and emotional. It provides information for chiildren, young people, parents/carers and professionals together with a number of helplines. 

    The NWG

    The National Working Group offers a network of support to professionals in respect of child sexual exploitation. They offer support programmes to young people enabling their voices to be heard through its youth advisory board. They also provide a range of training and a hub of resources in relation to the prevention of CSE.

    The Peace Foundation

    The Peace Foundation assists survivors of terrorism to cope and recover, and also enables community cohesion, peace building and conflict resolution. They also deliver pioneering programmes to young people and professionals to support everyone to resolve conflict and through peace building.

    The Proud Trust

    The Proud Trust offers an extensive range of resources for young people, families and professionals to gain a greater awareness and understanding of those who identify as LGBT+.  They promote understanding and aim to empower young people to make a positive change for themselves and their communities.

    The Royal Life Saving Society

    This society provides water safety and drowning prevention advice and education including what to do in an emergency. They also provide qualifications and awards.

    The Samaritans

    This website and free helpline provide emotional support and promote increased resilience. They support schools through preventative services, lesson plans and school talks.

    Think U Know
    This website has resources to help children stay safe online. The children's area is split into four age groups: 5-7, 8-10, 11-13 and 14+
    Think U Know Exploited

    This short film from CEOP helps young people learn to stay safe from sexual exploitation by recognising the signs. This video can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way as part of a structured programme.

    True Vision

    This website provides information and support to victims of hate crime or incidents and explains how to report them. It also includes personal safety tips.

    Trust Me

    This practical resource addresses online extremism by provoking discussion among primary and secondary pupils to challenge them to think critically about online communication.

    Trust Net

    This website provides a vast array of online safety materials and resources as well as providing case studies and training.

    Trusted 2 Know

    This website provides advice for young people on a range of topics such as gangs, knives, drugs, alcohol and bullying.

    UK Safer Internet Centre

    This website has guidance and resources about online safety for children, families and professionals. The children's zone has games, quizzes and films.

    Unseen is an organisation which runs training sessions to increase people's understanding of modern slavery and how to access support for potential victims.
    Victim Support

    This charity provides free and confidential support for victims of crime or traumatic events. It helps people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime.

    Video Game Addiction

    Advice and support for individuals and families affected by gaming addiction.

    Virtual College

    Awareness training of Forced Marriage (FM) and so-called Honour Based Violence (HBV) developed with the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign Office.

    Vodafone Digital Parenting

    Vodafone offers online digital safety resources and advice for parents, including useful 'how to' guides.

    Watch Over Me

    This series of films was made in memory of Damilola Taylor. They tackle issues such as road safety, weapons, internet safety, extremism, community cohesion and self-image. The videos can be shared with young people in a safe and responsible way.


    Webwise offers information, advice and support for teachers and parents as well as free education resources addressing a range of internet safety issues and concerns.

    What's the Problem?

    This comprehensive guide from The Lucy Faithfull Organisation helps parents better understand the risks posed to children by the internet and to keep them safe online.

    Where's the Line?

    This online resource supports teachers covering the topic of violent extremism and radicalisation.


    This is an Australian website aimed at young people who are experiencing or witnessing family violence in their home and needing information, advice and support. It was formerly known as Bursting the Bubble.

    Women's Aid

    Women's Aid is a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services for women and children affected by domestic abuse. They also provide education and training.

    Women's Health Information and Support Centre

    WHISC is a charity dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women and their families. It provides counselling, training, therapies and community outreach programmes.

    Wud U?

    This app from Barnardo's is designed to educate young people about the dangers of sexual exploitation through illustrated, interactive stories.

    Young Carers in Schools Programme

    The Carers Trust and The Children's Society, are working with schools across England to share good practice, provide relevant tools and training, and to celebrate the great outcomes that many schools achieve for young carers.

    Young Gamblers Education Trust

    YGAM trains professionals to deliver a gambling related harm prevention programme. They also deliver workshops to young people around the financial and health risks of gambling.

    Young Minds
    Young Minds provides training, resources and materials to embed resilience, help pupils prepare for the transition between schools and to support young people through adolescence.
    Young Sibs

    YoungSibs is a website and online support service for children and young people aged 6 to 17 who have a brother or sister who is disabled, has special educational needs or a serious long-term condition. The service is run by Sibs, the UK charity for siblings of disabled children and adults.

    Spotlight On
    All children should know about the NSPCC underwear rule PANTS. Parents/carers or teachers should discuss PANTS with them.It can be found here: ...
    Disrespect Nobody Website
    The website provides great advice to teenagers about a range of important issues including: Sexting, Relationship abuse, Porn, Consent, Harassment Visit: ...
    NSPCC - Let children know you’re listening
    The NSPCC have produced a new resource to help adults respond to children who are disclosing abuse. It includes a helpful video that can be shared with your ...
    NSPCC - Online safety for children: what parents need to know
    The NSPCC have produced an article for the Telegraph newspaper setting out what parents need to know about online safety: ...


    If you know of a resource that you would like to recommend, let us know by clicking here.